Scent Of Death - Into Everlasting Hate (CD)
Eleven years later, the band from Ourense releases a criminal new album that will overwhelm you with viciousness. Lethally technical death that annihilates everything in its path. Simply superior!
A compilation of “Festivals of Atonement” EP (1995) and “Ramses Bringer of War” demo (1997)!! A one of a kind band, the sublimation of epic and polytheist technical brutal death... With this LP, we’re travelling back to their roots, as so many of us like to do. It must be in your collection!
Eleven years later, the band from Ourense releases a criminal new album that will overwhelm you with viciousness. Lethally technical death that annihilates everything in its path. Simply superior!
Extraordinary second album by this cruel, vile, and legendary band in every aspect. A lesson in brutal death impossible to forget.