Ovakner - Ar/Lume (CD)
Debut EP featuring members of Machetazo, Balmog and Banished From Inferno. Mixed and mastered at Necromorbus Studio by Tore Stjerna. Really special death crust!!
Second and self-titled album of these classics from the American underground. Formed in '86, they are considered a great influence for gore-trend death all over the world. If you miss that vicious and rotten touch of the first death metal (Possessed, Nunslaughter, Necrophagia, Master, Repulsion ...), enjoy it. With some punk and thrash, this will kill you.
Debut EP featuring members of Machetazo, Balmog and Banished From Inferno. Mixed and mastered at Necromorbus Studio by Tore Stjerna. Really special death crust!!
Decaying death metal that also embraces grind and crust. From Galicia, a first vomit by members and ex-members of Nashgul, Noitébrega, Blackgoat or Devil Inside. Putrid and without tricks, it will break the ass of followers of Obituary, Autopsy, Repulsion, Grave, Incantation, Impetigo, Carnage, Master, Doom, Purtenance or early Napalm Death.